It’s not easy to keep a lawn looking well. Keeping it in pristine condition requires a significant time and financial investment. The damage that certain species of burrowing rats may do should not be underestimated. This is why it is so important to know how to prevent animals from digging holes in your yard.
It is in a mole’s nature to burrow underground. While we’re talking about wild animals, raccoons and skunks will be visiting yards this autumn to bulk up for the coming winter.
Burrowing critters such as voles and groundhogs are also frequent visitors to the garden. All of these creatures pose a serious threat to your property.
Perhaps the environment might benefit from the addition of some digging creatures. However, they can and probably will do serious harm to your prized grass.
Pestilent burrowing critters are a major cause of grass problems every year when spring arrives. I have included a number of approaches to these problems here.
Why are Animals Digging Up Your Yard?
I know you’re eager to get to the meat of the matter, which is learning some tried-and-true methods for discouraging animals from destroying your yard. It is, nevertheless, equally vital to comprehend the factors that motivate the burrowing behavior of a number of different animal species.
- Searching for a Secure Spot
In order to provide a protected environment for raising their young, rodents and other animals may dig holes in your yard.
These creatures will dig up your yard in search of a safe and cozy place to nest. Keep this grass problem in mind, particularly as spring approaches.
- Foraging for Food
Some animals may dig burrows in your yard for reasons other than concealment. Because they are hungry, they dig up gardens.
Animals that live underground must first stockpile their food. Then, at a later date, they will return to the same location. Inevitably, this might lead to a long-term issue with the grass.
What Animal Digs Holes in Yard at Night?
If you want to maintain your lawn in pristine shape, you and your significant other should talk about ways to deter animals from digging holes there.
A priori, you should probably identify the critters that are responsible for the holes in your yard. As an example, consider the following.
- Rabbits
Burrowing underground is a favorite pastime for rabbits. Also, they enjoy to dig in the yard.
- Skunks
Undoubtedly, skunks are such excellent diggers. In addition, they are an effective organic method of controlling grubs. This animal has been known to be nocturnal plant diggers.
When foraging, skunks create a false airflow by excavating shallow holes. Sowing grass seed over skunk holes is a great fix.
- Moles
Some people see these little creatures as unwanted visitors to their gardens. Furthermore, they construct mounds and elaborate tube networks.
What Animal Eats Grubs?
Let’s address another problem with your grass before we address the issue of animals digging holes in it.
Foraging animals create yard damage by digging up grass to get grubs. There are probably still 5 grubs per square foot on a healthy lawn. The approximate number of grubs in an area of 5,000 square feet is 25,000.
It’s not uncommon to see hundreds of grubs on a lawn of typical size. Sure enough, animals won’t just sit there and let their food go to waste. They will return to a good food source in the future.
The first step in fixing a grub issue is recognizing that there is one.
Dead, brown areas of grass are a sure sign that grubs are doing havoc on your yard. They generally spread the grass untidily, too.
It is common for grubs to chew into grass roots. When that occurs, they may effortlessly yank the sod from the ground. If the grubs are allowed to continue expanding their feeding zone, the areas of dead, brown grass might grow over time.
Knowing what kinds of animals eat grubs is an important first step before attempting to use any of the several methods available for discouraging such behavior.
Grubs are a popular food source for skunks and raccoons. Skunks, with the aid of loose earth, dig shallow burrows in the yard.
Instead, raccoons will use their front paws to rip off sod clumps. When they discover grubs, they turn the sod over.
As with skunks and raccoons, grubs may entice moles. When foraging for food, such as earthworms, they will rip up your grass.
Moles will exacerbate the harm done by grubs to the grass roots. While they may have been successful in eliminating the grubs, the creatures will likely return to your lawn in search of earthworms.
How to Stop Animals from Digging Holes in Yard
And now, at long last, I provide a variety of fantastic strategies for discouraging pest animals from damaging your grass. Your grass will benefit from their ability to withstand wear and tear as well. Have a look at these fantastic suggestions!
1. Cut Down on Grubs
The first step in reducing animal digging in your yard is reducing the number of grubs they have access to. How to tell whether you have grubs in your grass.
- You should get some liquid laundry detergent.
- Finally, combine 4 tablespoons of detergent with 1 gallon of water.
- Apply the solution to the damaged regions by soaking the green grass in the vicinity of the brown, dead spots.
- In a few of minutes, the grubs will begin to emerge.
Be mindful that this strategy won’t be effective against the grubs. It feels hard to get rid of all the chemicals in your lawn, even when you’ve been using them for months. You might attempt any of the following methods to lessen the grub problem.
- Adding Beneficial Nematodes to Your Yard
Do you want to know how to prevent animals from damaging your yard by digging holes? Adding nematodes to your grass is the first step in reducing the grub population.
The nematodes will invade the bodies of the grubs, where they will breed with healthy tissue and eventually kill the grubs with their own bacteria. It has been shown that increasing the number of nematodes in an area reduces the number of grubs in a grass.
- Do Not Water for About a Month
Grubs, like other insect larvae, are developed from eggs. They need water to live, and that’s pretty much it.
Avoiding watering for approximately a month during the summer is one of the low-impact ways to prevent animals from digging holes in the yard. This aids in eliminating the grub problem.
- Apply Milky Spores
Disease caused by milky spores leads to adverse conditions in the soil. Grubs are driven to extinction or exile as a result.
Many people who have lawns choose not to treat them with chemicals. If you fall into such category, you may want to give these natural approaches a go.
To be fair, however, as I noted before, animals have other motivations than grubs when they dig about in your yard. There is always the potential that they may continue tearing up your grass even if you take action.
2. How to Stop Animals from Digging Holes in Yard with Humane Traps
Images of animal burrows in the yard could have been noticed by you. I would suggest humanely catching the burrowing creatures to stop the tunnels they dig.
The traps should be strategically placed around the property. Even so, this is probably not the best course of action. Calling animal services after you’ve captured the animals is one option. Relocating them is an alternative.
You may boost the traps’ success by luring the pests in with the fragrance of food. In addition, you should be ready to do routine inspections of the humane traps. The best time is probably first thing in the morning.
At night, when there are fewer predators around, many different kinds of animals like excavating holes in the grass. No surprise you can capture them more readily at dark. These animals won’t survive more than a few days without intervention.
A suitable trap should be purchased. For example, if you deal with raccoons on the lawn, buy a big animal trap.
Always remove the burrowing creatures over 10 miles from your property. Because of this, they are very unlikely to return to the original location.
If there are a large number of pests, it’s probably best to hire a trapping service. This is undeniably one of the most compassionate techniques for discouraging animals from damaging your lawn by digging holes.
3. Seed Regularly
Burrowing creatures like voles and moles are likely present if you see several little holes in your grass.
You should seed with tall fescue grass. It may be used in both residential and commercial settings, making this turf an excellent option. It will also provide you a lush, well-rooted grass.
Planting turfgrass seeds will prevent burrowing animals from quickly destroying your lawn in their search for food.
4. How to Stop Animals from Digging Holes in Yard with Physical Barriers
You can prevent those you don’t want on your lawn from entering by constructing obstacles. A fence made of subterranean wire mesh is one option to consider. It serves as an effective deterrent against them.
Most burrowing creatures are nocturnal and tend to move about by scurrying under the surface. Since this is the case, a barrier constructed above ground is unlikely to be secure.
A simple chain link or chicken wire fence buried three feet deep is a brilliant solution to the problem of animals digging holes in your yard. Protect your prized flower beds from these pests with this simple solution.
This is a somewhat time-consuming approach. However, installing a fence in the ground around your property is the best option. Further, it compels the burrowing creatures to seek for other dwellings.
First, in your yard, dig a trench that is three feet deep. The bottom of the mesh hardware cloth is bent to 90 degrees, which creates a flat 6-inch surface at the fence’s foundation.
Wire mesh fencing should then be lowered into the ditch. Because of this, the flat edge will now stick outward. In addition, the ground level above the fence has to be 15–20 inches. Put the dirt back in the garden after it is in place.
5. Remove Attractions
To prevent animals from damaging your yard by digging holes, remove any potential points of interest. They may introduce rodents and other burrowing pests to your grass. It’s a good idea to remove the garden’s food sources every day.
As an example, if there is an oak tree in the yard, acorns will probably fall on a frequent basis. The acorns and fruit should only be picked up on a regular basis.
This is a great method for discouraging animals from damaging your lawn by digging holes. Yet, a lot of work is still required to maintain the grass in pristine shape.
Keep in mind the importance of removing any decaying materials from the garden. These goods emit a powerful odor. As you may imagine, this is a major draw for creatures that make their homes underground.
In addition, having plants and wood piles surrounding the property might entice them to return.
6. How to Stop Animals from Digging Holes in Yard with Special Repellents
Using repellents is another another option for discouraging digging animals. When faced with gardening problems, many homeowners resort to using common household items. Here are various options for keeping animals away from your yard.
- Sonic Spikes
Spikes that emit sound waves are effective in discouraging burrowing creatures. In order to deter rats, they emit sounds with a high frequency.
Sonic spikes may appear like an effective deterrent at first, but bear in mind that most animals that dig are aware that these are only sounds. They have the ability to overcome their anxiety. Be prepared for a range of outcomes from them.
- Garlic Powder and Coffee Grounds
Small holes on the grass are usually dug by burrowing animals throughout the night. Use coffee grounds and garlic powder to deter them from coming inside your home.
Just sprinkle some garlic powder or used coffee grounds around the tunnels you see in your grass, and they should disappear.
- Castor Oil-Based Repellents
If you’re wondering how to prevent animals from damaging your yard by digging holes, one option is to use traditional animal repellents.
Castor oil-based repellents are used by certain gardeners. The fact that you may use them in the presence of children or animals makes them excellent.
How to Fill Animal Holes in Yard
You now know what to do if animals in your yard keep digging holes. The moment has come to patch up the damage. Put dirt in them, that’s what I’d suggest. As a next step, use the bottom of the shovel to get everything level.
First, have a look at the cracks in the ground next to your property. Contact a local construction firm if you are unsure if the wall is just drooping or has been damaged.
The construction crew will inspect your home for any visible evidence of structural damage. Additionally, they will give you an estimate of the cost to fix the problem. Most rats, however, lack the destructive capabilities necessary to breach a home’s exterior.
In order to prevent animals from damaging your yard, you may take any number of measures. Regardless of the approach you use, be sure it fits within your financial means and existing circumstances. Let’s give these suggestions a go and rid ourselves of those annoying rodents.