A colony of ants is never something anybody wants to see. It may also be an annoyance to the plants in containers. There are times when the pests just won’t go away. If you’re dealing with this annoyance, read on to find out some great strategies for eliminating ants from indoor plants.
It’s annoying to discover millions of ant eggs in your container plants. Learn the root of the problem and how to solve it.
Why Are Ants Attracted to Your House Plants?
It’s important to understand why ants invade houseplants before addressing methods for eliminating the problem. The basic goal for them is to stay alive. Plants in containers provide them with protection from the elements, a place to rest, and a source of nourishment.
Generally speaking, ants will avoid direct contact with your plant in a container. It’s possible that they’re searching for problem insects like aphids, mealybugs, and scales. The presence of ants is more evidence that your houseplant isn’t doing well.
Ants often don’t choose to set up housekeeping in a house plant. They need to be coaxed back to the main nest, which is your primary objective.
Having ants in my houseplants is probably a mystery to you. There are a number of good reasons for them to settle in among your indoor plants.
- Inconsistent Watering
Drought causes soil to lose volume. Any ant colony would do well in this area. Inconsistent watering of houseplants can lead to dry soil. The ants will gladly invade your home.
- Dry Potting Mix
Commercial potting soil is designed to prevent plants from absorbing water. Water can’t penetrate since the surface dries off over time.
The roots of the plant should be able to absorb water via their edges and release it through the bottom. Because the surface is hydrophobic, it just slides right off without soaking in. That makes for a great habitat for ants.
- Tiny Insect Pests
Honeydew is a sweet secretion secreted by many different kinds of microscopic insects, including mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids, and others. Appealing to ants, in particular. You may assume the pests are providing enough nutrition for the ant colony if you find it in your indoor plants.
Honeydew, the delicious and nutrient-rich feces of insects, is a favorite food of ants. That’s why they’ll defend the pests from harm.
- You Transferred the Ants
Because it is rich in organic material, compost is often a favorite home for ants. Additionally, the compost is toasty and dewless.
You may be using the ant-infested compost as mulch or fertilizer to your plants without even realizing it. They then proceed to make a home among your houseplants.
How to Get Rid of Ants in House Plants for Good
Here, I’ll go through a few options for eliminating ant colonies from plant containers. There are both natural and chemical methods for dealing with this problem. They are both excellent options; making a decision comes down to your specific objectives and requirements.
1. Eliminate Insect Pests
Remove the honeydew-producing insects if you want to rid your houseplants of ants. You may want to try some insecticide spray.
Honeydew-covered plants should be washed first. Get them some fresh air next. The next step is to soak them for 20 minutes in a mixture of one quart of water and two tablespoons of insecticidal soap. Finally, take the houseplants out of the solution and let them drain.
2. Replace the Soil
If you’re wondering how to get rid of ants in houseplants, a good first step is to replenish the potting soil. The first step is to free your plant from its current housing. After that, put it away.
When you’ve got the pot in a good spot, get out your brush, your hands, and a spray bottle and clean up the dirt around the plant’s roots. To clean, use a scrub brush if necessary. When you’re done, replace the plant’s pot’s contents with fresh soil. Finally, incorporate the fresh potting soil and insecticide soap sprays.
3. Diatomaceous Earth
When thinking about how to get rid of ants in home plants, diatomaceous earth is one option to explore (DE). You may apply DE to the dry soil surface by spreading a thin coating. Diatomite dirt will dry up the pest ants.
4. Soak the Potting Soil
If the soil in your containers is dry, you should water them well. If the plant is indoors, you can just move it outdoors.
The alternative is to place it into the larger container. When you’re done soaking your plants in a specific solution, be sure to dump the leftover liquid.
5. Bait
Bait may be used to help control a large ant population. Put it in the potted plants within your home. Normally, the ants would take the bait and then starve to death in or around their nest.
Those ants who consume their deceased companions will eventually perish themselves. To avoid poisoning your dogs and children, keep the bait out of their reach. This is an impressive method for eliminating ant infestations in indoor plants.
6. White Vinegar
White vinegar will kill the ants in the pot if you pour one liter into the nest. I promise you that the ants will quickly go.
This form of ant control is not without risk, however. It is possible that the vinegar’s acidity might be fatal to certain houseplants.
7. Citrus Rind
Keeping ants away from plants organically is possible with the help of citrus, which they detest.
Squeeze the peels of citrus fruits and toss them in the direction of your plants. The ants may be deterred with the help of the spraying juice.
8. How to Get Rid of Ants on Flowers with Pot Feet
If you put the pots on the ground or deck, you can have an ant invasion. You might use their feet to elevate them off the ground. This allows for optimal cooling of their bottom.
9. Essential Oil
Peppermint is regarded as one of the most effective ant-deterrent herbs. I guess that explains why peppermint oil works so well to keep ants at bay.
Put the kettle in a large storage bin. Put water in it, we are told. Finally, add a few healthy drops of peppermint oil.
10. Homemade Citrus Repellent
Is one interested in learning natural methods for getting rid of ants in a planter? To that end, if you answered yes, you may want to try a citrus-based insect repellent.
First, orange peels should be boiled for 30 minutes. Then, produce a paste by blending them together. Finally, distribute the mixture throughout your indoor plants.
11. How to Get Rid of Ants in House Plants with Natural Deterrents
Chili powder, cloves, and cinnamon, for example, are all spices that ants despise. They also dislike used tea bags and coffee grinds. You may discourage pests by scattering any of them about the plant’s foundation.
It’s not hard to get rid of ants in plants in containers. If you have ants in your houseplants, you may use any of the aforementioned methods to eliminate them. Don’t put off dealing with an infestation until it’s out of control; their numbers increase swiftly.